4 Methods to Prevent Employees from Leaving Your Company

Employee retention

Hiring is not only a pain but can be expensive for your company. As a business leader, it’s important to find ways to prevent your employees from leaving. If you do not, you will spend hours training. Most new employees do not become profitable for a year in the job.

Maintaining your employees requires more than a raise. You must be aware of the lifestyle, culture, and management style that people desire to be happy in their jobs.

The Workplace Institute Claims that 42 million people quit their job per year and 77 percent can be prevented.
As a Life Sciences recruiter, I have seen people quit for a variety of reasons. This article explains common reasons employees leave their jobs.


As a business leader, we usually have time and emotions invested in the company. Delegating tasks can be difficult when we know how we want a task completed. Unfortunately, this leads to micromanaging. Many leaders who micromanage focus so much on the tiny details that they cannot see the big picture. Give your employees that opportunity to create their own path to solving the problem. Different does not always mean bad.

Lack of Vision

To accomplish a goal, you must have a vision. Many business leaders lack strategic vision.

Forbes defines strategic vision as the ability to;

    • Envision the longer term
    • Adopt a broader view of the organization, seeing it in the context of its competition and the current economy
    • Define a distinctive, unique mission for the organization
    • Define the path by which the firm can grow in the long term
    • Repeatedly move the organization forward in creating greater value


Unfortunately, if you do not have strategic vision, your employees could feel like they are only checking tasks off the box. Make sure that they know the end goal of their work.

How is the work going to make a difference? How is the work going to change a person’s life?

To form a great company with happy employees, your employees must know that they are working for more than a paycheck.

No Feedback

Imagine this – You spend 3 hours writing an extensive report. It includes statistics and evaluations. You turn the report into your manager.

Silence. You never receive feedback. Two weeks later, your manager asks you to write another report. Wouldn’t this be frustrating?

Most people want to do well. Feedback allows for correction and communication. Your employees are able to develop their skills to succeed. Your feedback could be as brief as asking your employee to add an additional summary paragraph to a report or a “great job” email.

No Opportunity for Career Advancement

Nobody wants to be stuck in a “dead end job”. Career advancement is one of the most important factors of employee satisfaction and retention. Provide the opportunity for employees to take additional responsibilities that lead to changing of their roles and raises.

Continuing education courses can increase your opportunity for career development. If you give people the opportunity to learn and evolve within your company, they have less motivation to find a company with a more dynamic position.

You will also save valuable time by promoting within your company. Your current employees know company procedures and support the strategic vision. When internal staff is not available for promotion and you need to look externally, that is when I can help. I am a Regulatory and Quality Recruiter in the pharmaceutical, medical device, or biotech industries in the San Francisco Bay Area. Contact me, Jeff King, at jking@rqfocus.com or (541) 639-3501 to discuss your needs and determine some options to help you build the team you need to succeed.